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Detailed Information on
Brandywine Living At Pennington

Facility Information
Licensed Name: Brandywine Living At Pennington
Address: 143 West Franklin Avenue, Pennington, NJ 08534
Phone: (609) 730-9922
Facility Type: Assisted Living Residence
License Number: ZRXUPT
License Expires: 10/31/2024

Owner/Officer Information
Licensed Owner: WELL BL OPCO LLC

Bed/Slot Information
Assisted Living Beds: 119

Inspection Summaries
Between 01/01/2015 AND 08/26/2024

Routine Inspection Summary            More Info
Number of Routine Inspections: 3
Number of Deficiencies Cited: 2
Maximum Scope & Severity *:

Complaint Inspection Summary           More Info
Number of Complaint Inspections: 1
Number of Deficiencies Cited: 0
Maximum Scope & Severity *:

Enforcement Action
List of Enforcement Investigations by NJDHSS and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services(CMS) (Medicare Certified Facilities)

List of Enforcement Investigations by NJDHSS only (All facility types)

Advisory Standards

More Information

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Nursing Home Compare
Nursing Home Compare is a web-based tool developed by the US Department of Health & Human Services, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. This tool provides detailed information about the past performance of every Medicare and Medicaid certified nursing home in the country.

NJ OPRA(Open Public Records Act)

*Scope & Severity applies only to federally certified (Medicare) nursing homes.