Department of Health
Directory of Grant Programs
This directory provides a comprehensive listing of grant funds expected to be available from the Department of Health. The Department awards grants from State appropriations, federal awards, and other funding sources. Since the award and appropriation of these funds do not always conform to the State Fiscal Year, the information included in this directory is based on anticipated grant awards that will begin in the period from July 1 through June 30 of each State Fiscal Year. The ability of the Department to make grant awards is expressly dependent upon the availability of funds appropriated by the State Legislature from State and/or federal revenue or such other funding sources as may be applicable.

The directory is divided into separate grant programs, which provide specific services through grant awards. Many programs are funded jointly by State, federal, and other funds. The information identified in each Notice of Fund Availability (NOFA) is without reference to the source of funding. Prospective applicants may request additional information on any program from the contact listed in the NOFA, including a copy of the Request for Applications (RFA), if a link is not available in the directory.

There are certain funds that have been excluded from this directory. They represent formula grants, which, by law, are distributed to specific recipients (i.e., counties and municipalities); special legislation to provide funding to a specific agency; and the disbursement of funds by a means other than grant award. Please contact the Grants Unit at 609-376-8508 to request additional information on these excluded programs.

Fiscal Year: 2024 - 2025

Community Health Services, Community Health and Wellness Notice of Fund
Request for
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis   NOFA   
Cardiovascular Grant   NOFA   RFA
Childhood and Adult Asthma Program   NOFA   
Chronic Renal Disease Program   NOFA   
Comprehensive Cancer Control   NOFA   
Diabetes Prevention & Control   NOFA   
Faith in Prevention   NOFA   
Federally Qualified Health Center Expansion Program   NOFA   
Huntington's Disease   NOFA   
New Jersey Cancer Education and Early Detection Program- Revised 3/5/24   NOFA   RFA
Pharmaceutical Services for Adults with Cystic Fibrosis Program   NOFA   
Preventive Health Services   NOFA   
Sickle Cell Disease Pilot Program   NOFA   
Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program   NOFA   
Community Health Services, Oral Health Services
Children's Oral Health Program   NOFA   
Epidemiology, Environmental and Occupational Health
Immunization Program   NOFA   
Private Well Outreach   NOFA   
Family Health Services, Maternal and Child Health
Adolescent Health   NOFA   
Alma Program   NOFA   
Family Planning   NOFA   
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Prevention   NOFA   
Healthy Women Healthy Families   NOFA   
Midwifery Education Program   NOFA   
New Jersey Doula Learning Collaborative   NOFA   RFA
NJ Postpartum Resources and Support Network   NOFA   RFA
Stillbirth Awareness Campaign   NOFA   
Family Health Services, Special Child Health and Early Intervention Services
Early Identification and Monitoring   NOFA   
Early Intervention Services, Pediatric Tertiary Services   NOFA   RFA
Hemophilia Services   NOFA   RFA
New Jersey Early Intervention System   NOFA   RFA
NJ Statewide Family Centered Care Network Ryan White Part D   NOFA   
Special Child Health Child Evaluation Centers   NOFA   RFA
Special Child Health Child Evaluation Centers   NOFA   
Special Child Health Services, Family Centered Care Services, Case Management   NOFA   RFA
Special Child Health Services, Newborn Screening and Genetic Services   NOFA   RFA
Tourette Syndrome   NOFA   RFA
Family Health Services, Women, Infants, and Children - WIC
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children WIC   NOFA   
Governor's Council for Medical Research and Treatment of Autism
Autism Basic Research Pilot 2025   NOFA   RFA
Autism Clinical Research Pilot 2025   NOFA   RFA
Autism Concept Project 2025   NOFA   RFA
Autism Postdoctoral Fellowship Research 2025   NOFA   RFA
Autism Predoctoral Fellowship Research 2025   NOFA   RFA
HIV, STD and TB Services, HIV
DHSTS HIV Services   NOFA   
DHSTS Opioid 2025   NOFA   RFA
DHSTS Opioid Expansion   NOFA   
DHSTS Public Health Detailing   NOFA   
HIV, STD and TB Services, Sexually Transmitted Diseases Program
DHST State STD Program   NOFA   
HIV, STD and TB Services, Tuberculosis Control Program
TB Prevention and Control Regional TB Specialty Clinic Services   NOFA   
Integrated Health Services Branch
Integrated Health Care Program for Military, Veterans, & First Responders   NOFA   RFA
New Jersey Commission on Brain Injury Research
New Jersey Commission on Brain Injury Research Individual Research Grant   NOFA   RFA
New Jersey Commission on Brain Injury Research Pilot Research Grant   NOFA   RFA
NJ Commission on Brain Injury Research Postdoctoral and Graduate Student Fellowship   NOFA   RFA
New Jersey Commission on Cancer Research
NJCCR Bridge Research Grant 2025   NOFA   RFA
NJCCR Pediatric Cancer Research Grant 2025   NOFA   RFA
NJCCR Pilot Program Research Grant 2025   NOFA   RFA
NJCCR Postdoctoral Fellowship Grant 2025   NOFA   RFA
NJCCR Predoctoral Fellowship Grant 2025   NOFA   RFA
New Jersey Commission on Spinal Cord Research
New Jersey Commission on Spinal Cord Research Exploratory Research Grant   NOFA   RFA
New Jersey Commission on Spinal Cord Research Individual Research Grant   NOFA   RFA
New Jersey Commission on Spinal Cord Research Postdoctoral & Graduate Student Fellowship   NOFA   RFA
Office of Local Public Health
Childhood Lead Program   NOFA   RFA
Strengthening Local Public Health Capacity- Revised 3/26   NOFA   RFA
Sustaining Local Public Health Infrastructure   NOFA   RFA
Office of Opioid Response and Policy
Emergency Department Peer Navigator Program   NOFA   RFA
Local Public Health Overdose Fatality Review Teams   NOFA   RFA
Overdose Community Response Teams   NOFA   RFA
Public Health Infrastructure, Laboratories and Emergency Preparedness
EMS Stakeholder Conference   NOFA   RFA
Healthcare Preparedness Program   NOFA   RFA
Healthcare Preparedness Program   NOFA   
New Jersey Emergency Medical Shock Trauma Air Rescue JEMSTAR   NOFA   RFA
New Jersey Poison Information and Education System NJPIES   NOFA   RFA
Public Health Emergency Preparedness- LINCS   NOFA   RFA